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Benefits of

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Client support at all stages of purchase

We are ready to advise you on all issues related to the purchase of flight tickets and other services – booking, payment, making changes. Our Customer Care Service operators will answer your questions in Russian, Kazakh, and English. You can pay for your purchase by means of any convenient method, such as VISA, Mastercard and AmEx, funds from your mobile phone account balance, Online banking, Kaspi system, QIWI terminals, Kassa24, and others. Use fast and easy options to search for and buy flight tickets on the website or through Android and iOS mobile apps.

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Cheap flight tickets

Book cheap flights on There is only a clear pricing with no hidden charges and fees. We cooperate with more than 750 airlines around the world including low-cost airlines. The search system processes your queries quickly and displays all the available flights. You can choose fast or cheap flight option and make a purchase in a matter of minutes.

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